Thursday 2 October 2014

Stupid classmate

The reason I said like that is they don't want to be friends with me cause I'm like them always with MAKE-UP and I wear make-up just for don't want to look so bad. Okay that not too tension and I don't give a FUCK to that stupid thing. 

What's really make me tension and stress is they trying to say I'm a sleeping partners in the group assignment who actually I'm the who work a lot in the group. Also they also won't tell me if they had some information like lecture cancelling the class or anything. I'm the one who asking their phone numbers to get the information but every thing is on the WeChat and Whatsapp never replied my message and call.. okay I've that Whatsapp but their never try to whatsapp me(those who have my phone numbers). 

They be like this since 2nd semester until now 5th semester so one day when I really angry about it and starts to explode to the whole class. Soon after they trying to get my phone numbers buts with insulting and humiliate me. Yeah!! I don't give a FUCK to that just say what ever you wanna say about me Allah S.W.T knows me better. 

This is my problems with my friends. She always with me on every conditions

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