Wednesday 9 March 2016

I wish you were mine..

It's late night now but I still can't sleep...
I'm still thinking about our good times together even we were long distance relationships..
But we do had bittersweet memories like no other...
Knowing you was a gift to me because only you that I understand my anger, jealousy and so many thing...
Only you that accept my imperfection that I shown to you pass this 3 years now

You said you'll fight for our love until to the very end but why when my mom stopped us to be together....
You suddenly accept what my mom ask to you to without even explaining to her how much you have loved me...maybe..
I didn't ask you to be rude with her... but I just ask to show her how strong our love can be... it's not being rude to her...
What it's heartbreaking is when you called me that I'm worst then a demon just because I get angry after find out your engagement with other girl... well honey that's trully heartbreaking...
My heart stopped beating for moment when I find out it dear....
It has so many time I did told to say to me directly if you other girl after... It's okay to told me about it... well much better than find it by yourself honey
What you do to me it's really far from my expectation...
But stupidly me is that I still loved you like I used to... this feeling won't fade away from me... I can't even look to other guy cos you had all my heart..
I really loved you more I can love myself...
I really need some kind of will power wake up this sadness.... but how???? You're so special for me... I can see my future through you
While you live happily with that girl that come from out of no way (don't where the existence of her)
And me still with this damages that you brought for me.... It's unfair